Medical Reimbursement Management System

Medical Reimbursement Management System

MRMS (Medical Reimbursement Management System), a web-based system developed exclusively for Zilla Parishad and Taluka Panchayat Samiti. By providing online requests, comprehensive coverage, computerized tables, document upload facilities, and robust monitoring features, MRMS simplifies the reimbursement process and ensures transparency and accountability.

Online Request for Medical Bill: MRMS allows staff members at the Zilla Parishad and Panchayat Samiti levels to make online requests for medical bill reimbursements. This feature eliminates the need for manual paperwork and simplifies the submission process, saving time and effort.

Comprehensive Coverage: MRMS covers various aspects of medical expenses, including hospital bills, pathology tests, medicine costs, and living expenses. With MRMS, you can confidently request reimbursement for all relevant medical expenditures.



Computerized Reimbursement Table


Document Upload Facility


Monitoring of Medical Reimbursement


Tracking of Received and Pending Cases


Classification of Sanctioned Amounts


Reconciliation of Medical Expenses

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